Book Review: Clearing the Mind for Creativity

Clearing the Mind for Creativity is another free book that I picked up from the Amazon Kindle Store a couple of weeks ago.  This book was a quick read and had some very practical tips for those who desire to go further in the area of creativity.  Sometimes when we focus too hard on being creative, we ruin any chance at being succcessful!

Here are a few thoughts that I highlighted while reading this book…

  • My purpose is to throw open the windows of perception, to get them ready to think as creatively as possible.
  • How do we achieve this cerebral prerequisite of creativity? Start by changing the subject.
  • People who want to cultivate their own creativity would benefit from focusing on topics that aren’t related to the work in front of them.
  • I once asked Ralph Osterhout, a respected engineer and designer of electronic products who holds 64 U.S. utility patents, what he would suggest to leaders seeking to promote creativity and innovation in their enterprises. His answer: “Magazines.” Magazines? In his opinion, no better way exists to clear the mind than to journey to exotic parts of the planet, and no simpler or cheaper way to travel can be found than to plunge into the new worlds for sale at your neighborhood newsstand or bookstore. Magazines offer an inexpensive tour of the world.

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