ACSI: Dr. Rick Newberry

Seminar Session III-Dr. Rick Newberry (Cherry and Company)
Friday Morning
611R “The Link Between Branding and Leadership”

Intrigued with leadership

•    understand and observe how leaders model, act, inspire, and lead
•    my own leadership experiences
•    leaders who have influenced my life

Marketing and Branding
Intrigued with marketing, branding, and enrollment

•    develop a powerful and lasting brand
•    applying business and marketing principles to Christian schools
•    helping schools advance to the next level through effective branding and marketing that results in enrollment growth

Branding and Leadership
•    branding and leadership are tightly inked
•    “I’d like to suggest that a key link in the social sectors is brand reputation-built upon tangible results and emotional share of heart.” Jim Collins Good to Great
•    our goal is to understand how this relates to how we are leading and branding our Christian schools

What is leadership?

•    about influencing an individual or group toward a desired goal or result


•    “leadership is not about a position or title.  Its about caring, about relationships, and about what you do.” Kouzes and Posner The Leadership Challenge

•    “Vision are born in the soul of a man or woman who is consumed with the tension between what is and what could be.” Andy Stanley Visioneering

•    Nehemiah questioned one of his brothers and some other men about the condition of Jerusalem (Nehemiah 1:3)
•    Nehemiah was devastated (Nehemiah 1:4)
•    “Vision begins with a holy discontent with the way things are.” John R. Stott
•    He prayed (Nehemiah 1:5-11)
•    He assessed the situation (Nehemiah 2:11-13)
•    He inspired the people to action (Nehemiah 2:17-18)
•    He planned and involved others in the task of rebuilding
•    He dealt with opposition (Nehemiah 4:1-2; 6:2)
•    He provided leadership

Can we apply a business book and marketing strategy to a Christian school?

“A culture of discipline is not a principle of business; it is a principle of greatness.” Jim Collins

5 Good to Great issues for the Christian School
1.    Defining “great”

a.    Good is the enemy of great
b.    A great organization is one that delivers superior performance and makes a distinctive impact over a long period of time
c.    Money and enrollment doesn’t define greatness for Christian schools
d.    Performance and greatness must be defined and assessed in relation to the school’s mission
e.    What makes a “great” school?-must have a goal in mind/benchmark
2.    Level 5 Leadership
a.    “Level 5 leaders differ from level 4 leaders in that they are ambitious first and foremost for the cause.” Jim Collins
3.    First who, then what
a.    Get the right people on the bus
b.    Wheaton Academy “Living Curriculum” Faculty
4.    The Hedgehog concept
a.    “The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing.” Berlin
b.    one big effort
c.    what are you deeply passionate about
d.    what can we best in the world at?
e.    what drives our resource engine?
f.    There is a need to rethink the economic issue for Christian Schools
5.    Turning the flywheel
a.    “Consistency distinguishes the truly great…rigorous clarity not just about what to do, but equally, what not to do.” Jim Collins
b.    consistency produces momentum

Branding has more to do with leadership and less to do with marketing.

“The brand on the outside is only as strong as the brand on the inside.” Karl Speak, President, Beyond Marketing Thought

By leading effectively, you will build a powerful school brand.

“Believe not only in your mission, but in your capacity to deliver on that mission.” Jim Collins

Are you delivering on your mission?

Always striving for greatness.

Good to Great by Jim Collins
The Leadership Challenge by Kouzes and Posner
Visioneering by Andy Stanley
Designing Brand Identity by Alina Wheeler

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