acsi…basketball…moe’s…and garth?


We got home this afternoon from the ACSI conference. It was a really great conference. I don’t normally get much out of those things, but this was really well put together. Of course, riding with Rachel, Ben, and Cassie didn’t hurt things. They are great friends and we had a blast hanging out! I would like to just say that staying up talking until 3am is not the best plan when you have to get up at 6am.

As soon as we got home, we headed up to school for basketball. The girls smoked Atlanta Girls School and then the guys put it on Riverside Military Academy. After that, Clint and I headed to Moe’s for dinner.

We got home and started working on some things around the house. I flipped on the TV….and what to my wondering eyes should appear…but Garth Brooks! He was doing a live fundraiser concert out in LA. That was definitely a blast from the past. I used to be a big fan. I’m glad to hear now that he is only doing concerts for a cause. Good stuff.

I just finished editing my latest paper for seminary and turned it in. I’ll post it tomorrow probably. It is about Moses as the Administrative Leader. I am really digging this class and look forward to next week’s papers.

I’m out…sleep to catch up on!

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