Life is Full of Choices

For the past few days, we have been hearing that Snowpocalypse 2011 was bearing down on the Southeastern United States.  Everyone rushed to the store to load up on the essentials in anticipation of being stuck for a few days.  Everyone waited with joyful exuberance as the school closings list began to fill up with local schools.  When North Cobb Christian School officially called school off for Monday…a shout went up all over Facebook.  About an hour after that, the snow began to fall.  More accurately, it began to pour.  The snow is falling so fast that it looks like White Rain (wouldn’t that be a cool name for hairspray?).  Since Emma is tucked all snug in her bed, Clint and I decided it was time to take some pictures.  After we looked around, we had a choice to make…Inside or Outside for the evening?



Yeah, I’m staying inside.  Wise choice I do believe.  We will conquer the snow tomorrow once Emma is up to join us.  I believe we have a good bit of sledding in our future!  But, for now, the fire is warm and I think we shall stay put.  Grateful for a warm home tonight and prayerful for those who don’t.

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