Operation Christmas Child Box

One of our goals as we raise Emma is for her to be a generous person.  Our heart’s desire is that she would steward her gifts, talents, and resources in such a way that she is able to provide for the needs of others in the name of Christ.  We realize that this doesn’t happen accidentally and that it is our responsibility to teach her what it means to be generous and also to model that for her.  This year, our family had a great time going out to the store to put together some items for an Operation Christmas Child box.  Clint and I have made OCC boxes together for several years and we were so excited to make a box with our little girl.

At first it was a hard concept for Emma.  She was great at picking out the toys…but she thought they were all for her!  Once we talked some more about the fact that these toys were for another little girl who didn’t have toys, Emma got even more excited to pick out cool things.  She even picked out a few brand new things of her own to put in the box.  We had a great time talking about the little girl that would receive Emma’s box.  Emma had so much fun decorating a card for the little girl and putting all the items in the box very carefully.  We prayed over the box and then Emma helped me load it in the car.  We gave our box to the 8th graders at North Cobb Christian School to take when they go to work at the OCC Distribution Center the second week of December.

2 Corinthians 9:11

11You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.


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