First of all, the house projects…DONE! Here is the proof:
A ton of mulch, a couple gallons of deck stain, some white paint and we are DONE. Clint and I have decided that our next residence will be a studio apartment in a city where we can’t even see decks or grass or flower beds Actually we had a blast! We started Thursday at noon and cleaned out all of the flowerbeds and all of the mulch around the house. I bought 7 yards of mulch and the cool folks at C and K Bulk Landscape Supply dumped it right in our yard. We worked for a while on Thursday and then closed it down in time to head over to Taco Mac on Dallas Highway to watch Belmont almost knock off Duke…sorry J.R., but we were cheering for the Bruins!
Friday I stained the front and back deck while Clint finished the cleaning out process for the areas to mulch. He also weedeated and edged a bunch of stuff and pulled out a dead tree…it was only about 8 feet tall, but he still looked like a superhero when he yanked it out of the ground! We went out to dinner with our friend Rachel and then we all wandered around Wal-Mart and Home Depot for a couple hours and then went to her house to watch some basketball.
Saturday morning we headed down to help out with the City of Acworth Easter Egg hunt. We’ve helped with that a few times in the past and it was a great time as always. This year we went as a part of Freedom Church that was running the deal. It was great to see how Freedom is continuing to serve in an effort to draw people to Christ. There were tons of people out there and we enjoyed getting to know some new folks.
After we got back to the house, Clint started putting mulch in the flower beds and I started painting the handrails and spindles on the decks white. That lasted for about an hour before I started going insane. Spindle painting is not for the faint of heart or the sane of mind. I asked Clint if he would mind changing jobs for a bit. We stopped working 6 hours later. He finished all the painting and I spread about 40 wheelbarrow loads of mulch around the house. It was a great day!
We closed out Saturday night by meeting some great friends for dinner to catch up with them and just have some fun hanging out. I continue to be amazed at the couples that God has placed in Clint and I’s life to be encouraged and challenged by. We have gotten to know Jimmy and Leigh Ann this past year and they are just really neat people. We treasure their friendship and have had some great adventures together with their boys.
Sunday morning we got up a little earlier than normal. Freedom Church moved to 2 services starting today and we picked the 9:30 service. We had a great time meeting some new folks when we first arrived and chatted with them for a while. Blake and the band nailed “Happy Day” and “Let God Arise” with a cool transition. J.R. started a series called “State of the Union” about marriage. He did a great job pairing Easter Sunday and our marriage relationships. He made the point that, “the resurrection provides hope that has the power to change things.” In our service, 3 people prayed to receive Christ and I heard that several more did in the 11:00 service!
After church we came home for a bit and then headed up to Summerville to spend the afternoon with Clint’s family. We always have a great time up there and today was more of the same. Great food and great company! We got home a bit ago and finished up some laundry. I have written 2 papers today for my apologetics class this term in seminary and Clint is on a conference call right now with his team for his MBA class. Life is moving on quickly, but I wanted to take a few moments to jot down a review of the weekend.
I am so thankful for an opportunity to be outside and to hang out with Clint these last several days. I know so many people who complain about their husbands and gripe all the time about their marriage. I am so thankful that I am truly married to my best friend. When I have free time, there is no one I’d rather hang out with than Clint. We are a great team and God has truly blessed us with great families and friends. I look forward with great anticipation to what this week holds. Come on Monday!
J.R. Lee
Other than that Belmont comment…