Month: March 2011

Spring Term 2011: Chicago Day 5

Today was a great day!  We were sad not to see our friends that we…

Spring Term 2011: Chicago Day 4

Another great day!  This morning started a little earlier than yesterday morning in an effort…

Spring Term 2011: Chicago Day 3

Time to get to work!  This morning we all met in the lobby to walk…

Lenten Thought for the Day

Week 3: God's Holiness and Grace Today's Reading: Romans 5 (English Standard Version) 1 Therefore,…

Spring Term 2011: Chicago Day 2

After a great night’s rest, everyone was up and ready to roll this morning.  Most…

Spring Term 2011: Chicago Day 1

Saturday, March 26, 2011 9:55pm The Chicago team got off to a great start with…

Spring Term 2011: Chicago

I am spending Spring Term 2011 in Chicago with 38 students and faculty from North…

Lenten thought for the day

Today's Reading: Psalm 63:1-8 (English Standard Version) 1  O God, you are my God; earnestly…

Beauty and the Beast

Yesterday was an incredible day at North Cobb Christian School!  Our Fine Arts department chose…

Lenten thought for the day

I look up to the mountains— does my help come from there? My help comes…