Megan Strange
Christ follower, wife, mom, daughter, sister, friend, student, principal at North Cobb Christian School
I have been married to the handsome and studly Clint Strange since August 2003 and we are the parents of Emma and Eli. We adopted our handsome little boy Eli in 2014 from Ethiopia. Our kids bring us great joy and point us to the love and grace of our Heavenly Father.
I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Education from the University of Memphis where I had the privilege of working with the Memphis Lady Tigers Basketball Team, a Master’s Degree in Christian Leadership from Liberty University, and an Educational Specialist Degree (Ed.S.) in Educational Leadership also from Liberty University. It has been a privilege to start on doctoral work at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. I have had the privilege to speak and lead worship at student camps and events throughout the Southeast over the past several years. Clint, Emma, Eli, and I love being partners in the ministry God is doing through NorthStar Church as we live and raise our family in Acworth, GA.
I’m the Upper School Principal at North Cobb Christian School in Kennesaw, GA and have been at the school since the Fall of 2005. I have served in full-time student ministry since September of 2000. I came to Christ as a 15 year old before my junior year of high school. My heart for ministry is building relationships and creating opportunities for students to grow in Christ.
My goal as a high school principal is to lead our teachers to invest in the hearts and minds of our students for the glory of God and the good of others. We don’t train students to make widgets or sprockets on an assembly line or even specifically to be a this or a that in the professional world. Instead our desire is to challenge our students in such a way that they are equipped to think, to figure things out, to work well with others, to get their point across, and most importantly…to impact the world for Christ. My driving passion is for our students to have the tools they need to sit at the table of influence in the communities they choose to plant themselves in for college, career, and beyond. Our high school is a training ground for students who desire to be world changers and difference makers for the sake of the gospel to the glory of God for the good of others.
Before I came to NCCS, I was the Director of Student Ministries and Worship Leader at Acworth United Methodist Church. I started in ministry as the Director of Sports and Special Events at Germantown United Methodist Church. I grew up at Kirby Woods Baptist Church in Memphis, TN.
Books that have helped shape my thoughts on leadership and ministry:
THE BIBLE-More than any other book, speaker, conference, or conversation
1. Don’t Waste Your Life (John Piper)
2. Purple Cow (Seth Godin)
3. Revolution (George Barna)
4. Making Room for Life (Randy Frazee)
5. 17 Laws of Teamwork (John Maxwell)
6. Mere Christianity (C.S. Lewis)
7. Spiritual Leadership (Henry Blackaby)
8. The Last Christian Generation (Josh McDowell)
9. Hurt (Chap Clark)
10. Cross Cultural Servanthood (Duane Elmer)
11. Radical (David Platt)
12. Decision Points (President George W. Bush)
13. Outlive Your Life (Max Lucado)
14. Disrupting Class (Clayton Christensen)
15. Linchpin (Seth Godin)
16. Do Hard Things (Brett and Alex Harris)
17. Leading from the Second Chair (Mike Bonem and Roger Patterson)
18. God in the Wasteland (David Wells)
19. Crazy Love (Francis Chan)
20. Gentle and Lowly (Dane Ortlund)
“Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives’ tales; rather, train yourself to be godly. For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.”
I Timothy 4:7-8
“We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”
2 Corinthians 10:5
“Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity, and sound speech that cannot be condemned, so that an opponent may be put to shame, having nothing evil to say about us.”
Titus 2:7-8
“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works.”
Hebrews 10:24
“Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil. Hold fast to what is good. Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.” Romans 12:9-10
Hey Megan,
I worked with you for a short season at Lakepointe. I ran across your blog on Russ B’s. Gald to hear you’re doing well. We’re living in North Africa now and having a great time. Check out my blog when you can. Blessings!
Hi Megan, I thought you might find my blog useful: it is refreshed version of the prayer guide put out by ACSI which you can then subscribe to via your blog reader and receive the prayer requests daily.
Hi Megan,
I stumbled across your blog while looking for other Liberty students. It’s difficult to not feel isolated while taking online classes. I live in Woodstock and I was surprised to see that you’re so close. It’s interesting to see where the students enrolled at Liberty are located. I’d like to follow you on twitter to keep up with your progress in the Doctorate program. I’m considering going that route too.
BTW, I love my Keurig!