Must Read Blog: Michael Hyatt

I’ve decided to start a new weekly post on my blog featuring some blogs that I read on a regular basis.  I think that blogging is one of the best way to learn from and connect with other people that have similar goals and interests that you do.  I currently subscribe to 64 blogs through Google Reader.  If you are not using Google Reader or some other service that lets you only see the blogs that are updated, you are wasting a lot of valuable time.  I used to bounce from blog to blog to blog each day and notice that many only updated every couple of days.  I decided to reclaim the time I was spending doing that and have really enjoyed using Google Reader these last several months.  Now, I can quickly and easily see new posts and decide if it is something I’d like to check out.

One of my favorite blogs belongs to Michael Hyatt.  He is the CEO and President of Thomas Nelson Publishing and also the husband of Gail Hyatt and the father of five daughters!  He is a great leader and has a desire to invest in other leaders.  His blog is a great resource for efficiency in business as well as in your personal life.  He regularly speaks at conferences and has written several books about a variety of topics.  He is also very active on Twitter.  My favorite thing is that he is a Mac user!  I have learned a lot from reading his stuff and just thought I’d pass his blog along to you to check out.  He just redesigned it and moved from TypePad to WordPress.  The redesign really reflects the goals of his blog and makes it easier to navigate.  It also looks good.

He is the type of leader that I would really enjoy sitting down with to talk, but for now, I can soak up a bunch just by reading his thoughts and learning from the things that he is doing on a regular basis to grow as a leader.

2 comments to “Must Read Blog: Michael Hyatt”
  1. Hi Megan,
    (Our oldest daughter’s name is Megan.)
    Thanks so much for this post. I love the idea of featuring your favorite bloggers. I might have to steal that idea.
    Keep up the great work.
    Warm regards,
    Gail Hyatt

  2. Pingback: » Blog Archive » Must Read Blog: Atlanta on the Cheap

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