
I just finished reading “Joseph” by Chuck Swindoll.  I was very impressed with the way he taught the life of Joseph.  I love learning more about particular Bible characters as I seek to develop their characteristics in my own life.  Last year I read “Elijah”.  The tag line about Elijah was a man who lived courageously among his peers and walked humbly with his God.  I loved learning about Elijah and being challenged by those stories.

The tagline on Swindoll’s book about Joseph talked about him being a man of integrity and forgiveness. Are those characteristics that others see in my life?

I am speaking at a retreat next week and my theme is “Counting the Cost”.  I am going to be talking about Joseph and Daniel and some of the situations they found themselves in.  There are three main talks that I am putting together: How to Deal with Temptation, How to Approach a Relationship with God, and If God Loves Us, Why do Bad Things Still Happen?.

I am excited about this opportunity to go and share with these students.  Next Wednesday at this time I’ll be heading over to Tennessee.  The retreat is Thursday and Friday and I’ll spend Saturday and Sunday in Memphis hanging out with my family before I head back to Georgia.

I love the story of Joseph because he could have spent so much time wallowing and complaining, but instead he chose to follow God and to serve with a glad heart.  He could have been the most negative person around, but he was noted for being one of the hardest workers and one of the most trustworth people in Egypt.

God rewarded his faithfulness and gave Him an opportunity to lead a great nation.  I wonder what God thinks when He looks at my life and how I choose to follow Him and serve others?  I hope God expects a lot out of me.