Emma turned 15 months old this week. She probably thought that Valentine’s Day was the celebration for her getting one month older since she got so many nice gifts! It didn’t hurt that Mimi, Aunt Katie, and Uncle Kevin were all in town for the long President’s Day weekend. It was also our first really good snow here in Acworth in a while. Emma loved the snow!
For the past few months, Emma has been walking a few steps without any trouble. We knew there would be a point that she quit holding on and just took off. This has been that month! Emma has no fear, she just takes off and heads wherever she wants to go. She is one fast little girl!
Emma still has four teeth…but two more have been ready to break through for about a week. Today was the first Saturday since basketball season ended for Clint. We decided to do something really fun. So…we loaded up and headed up to Chattanooga to spend the day at the Creative Discovery Museum. We had a great time watching Emma check out all of the exhibits. The museum is very reasonably priced and not that far down the road. I think we will check out the Atlanta Children’s Museum soon. It was also fun to do some outlet shopping on the way home. We found Emma some really cute outfits and shoes. She is really growing fast!
Clint and I are so blessed to have a front row seat to watch God’s story unfold in Emma’s life. The number one desire of our hearts is to see Emma ask Jesus into her heart and run hard after Him all the days of her life. We know how critical it is for us to live out our Christianity in front of her. It is amazing to think of all the amazing things God has in store for our little girl!
Here are some pictures from the past month. As you can see…it was a fun one!