STUDY GOD’S WORD + BE STRONG AND COURAGEOUS | I’ve always loved sports and what sports can do for a person as far as helping them develop their God-given talents in a way that can be for the good of others. I’m a sucker for a great locker room speech. Words matter!
As we read the beginning of the book of Joshua, the Lord is commissioning Joshua as a leader after the death of Moses. The whole passage is a fantastic pep rally for your soul. He keeps it simple…
1. study God’s word and do what it says
2. be strong and courageous
The instructions are in that order because we have to know the truth of who God is before we understand the firm foundation that Christ followers are living from. Knowing the character and heart of God gives us hope when we can’t see over the hill or around the corner. Now more than ever, our culture needs bold Christians who are courageous and willing to step up for what is right. May it not be about my plans or desires, but about God’s best for our lives.
God is working. He is faithful.