September 1 |
Disc Golf > Ping Pong
Awesome morning with our church family @nsckennesaw
Super fun lunch @chuysrestaurant
Strolling books and records @2ndandcharles
Picking some fun new things @wholefoods
Naps during the storm
Mom/Emma date on the porch @scoopsacworth
Dad/Eli dude hangout for disc golf
Kids playing ping pong

Sunday afternoons on a long weekend are THE BEST! #7000days

September 2 | SUMMER READING | Here are several books I’ve read over the last month or so. Most of my reading is with the goal of growing in my relationship with Christ, sharing Christ with others, and leading in a way that will be a blessing to those I serve. I’ve posted reviews of several of these books at What are you reading these days that you’d highly recommend? #LeadersAreReaders| 

September 2 | PEACH COBBLER | Thank you @alyson.epp for insisting this is easy and awesome. AGREED. So good!

September 7 | TRI THE PARKS | Another super fun @tritheparks season came to a close today at John Tanner Park in Carrollton. Our family loves being a part of these events cheering on athletes that are doing hard things and accomplishing big goals. Already looking forward to next year! #7000days


Cheering for them and their @nccseagles teammates is our absolute way to spend the fall season! Let’s Go Emma, Eli, and Eagles! #7000days

September 8 | HIS MERCY IS MORE | Grateful for this reminder of God’s rich mercy from Dane Ortlund’s The Heart of Jesus.

Ephesians 2:4-5 But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved—

September 8 | SCOTLAND 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 | Precious time of fellowship, prayer, and celebration this afternoon with our friends Jonathan and Becca Lindsey who hosted our @nsckennesaw Scotland team in July. It was truly an honor to hear their story about God’s calling on their family and to hear what our team experienced during their time in Scotland. The Lord is truly working in Scotland and we are excited to partner with them to share the gospel. #LiveSent

September 11 | NEVER FORGET | 9.11.01 🇺🇸

Praying for our country.

Remembering the heartache of this day.

Celebrating the way our country cared for one another.

Jesus, be near.

John 13:35 By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”

Here is my 9/11 story:

September 13 | EAGLES WIN!!! | Eagles win 41-39 over Ringgold in 6 overtimes. Let’s Go Eagles! @nccseagles

September 14 | 2 CORINTHIANS 3 | where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

Do you know Christ? Are you walking in freedom?

If you don’t know Christ, would you like to know Him so that you too can walk in that freedom?

God is faithful. He is working. #MCheyeneReadingPlan

September 14 | ROLL TIDE | Fascinating story about the Tuscaloosa tornado of 2011 and the way the Bama football team and the people of Tuscaloosa banded together to help each other culminating in a National Championship season. Powerful reminder of community and the way we are designed to live in fellowship with one another (Acts 2). Now I’m even more ready for the game today. Roll Tide Roll!

September 14 | COMPETITION CHEER | It is always so fun to cheer on our @nccseagles cheerleaders at their competitions. They always cheer everyone else on and work so hard at their craft. The ladies had a great showing in the competition today at Walton and Eli and I had a blast cheering them on. Way to go ladies! @nccsstudentlife

September 16 | MOE’S MONDAY | Thank you so much to some awesome @nccseagles Upper School parents for providing a wonderful spread from Moe’s for our Upper School faculty and staff today. We love our parents…they are great partners! We appreciate their prayers and encouragement as we partner to invest in the students God has blessed us with. #GoEagles #WeAreNCCS #NCCSFamily @moessouthwestgrill

September 16 | CROSS COUNTRY COBB COUNTY CHAMPIONSHIPS | I’m so proud of our @nccseagles Cross Country team getting it done on a hot Monday afternoon. Let’s Go Eagles!

September 19 | 9 YEARS | I’m so proud of my friend John-Michael Ritchey and the legacy of grace and joy that he has left for all of us. 9 years ago today he stepped into the presence of Jesus and many of us have never been the same. Those of us who were privileged to count JM as a friend and colleague experienced Jesus in a way that I’m not sure that I could adequately explain. I met JM when he was in middle school North Cobb Christian School and had the remarkable privilege of being a part of hiring him at NCCS after he graduated from Liberty University. To this day, the sound of his name and the mention of a quality JM prank brings a smile to the face of all who knew him. He pursued people for the sake of Christ in a way that I’ve not seen before. We are all better because of John-Michael. His wake is a big one and every bit of it is about JESUS. #WellDone #JMR

Here are some thoughts I shared the week of his passing: The gospel compels us to use our lives to “tell a good story.”

But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ-by grace you have been saved- – Ephesians 2:4-5


We are so grateful for the opportunity to partner with @scoreintl here in the DR with our church family from @nsckennesaw as we use our Fall Break to LIVE SENT. The Lord has already shown us many places where He is working. Excited to learn and grow this week with our team. Even this building itself is a beautiful story of God’s faithfulness and redemption!

September 22 | ISN’T HE GOOD 🇩🇴 | Grateful for the @northstarhsm ministry at @nsckennesaw giving high schoolers a chance to spend their fall break living sent for the glory of God. I’m thankful my girl is getting to see the Lord do a miraculous work as they prepare to build a chapel to put on this piece of land. The pastor and congregation have prayed and asked the Lord for a larger place to meet. If it’s God’s will, there will be a new church on this site on Thursday. Will you join me in praying for this crew as they begin the work early in the morning? Glory to God! @timemissions 📷 @harperhoffer

September 26 | HASTA LUEGO 🇩🇴 | Grateful for the privilege to serve with this crew in the Dominican Republic this week alongside our new friends from @scoreintl. The Lord is gracious and kind in so many ways. He showed us His grace and mercy through the people we met and the people we are returning home with. Excited to see what God has in store for our @nsckennesaw crew as we head home to continue Living Sent! #GlobalMissions

September 29 | AFTER THE STORM | Beautiful afternoon for a walk here in Acworth. I’m grateful to see that our beloved Lake Acworth found its way back out of the park and beach and into its normal boundaries. Obviously that is not the case in Eastern Tennessee and Western Carolina where they are still experiencing the devastation of widespread flooding and other challenges. Praying for all of those in the aftermath of this storm throughout the southeast. Grateful for those who are running into the mess to help.

September 30 | FIRST THINGS FIRST | Super busy week ahead with plenty of important things. But I’m grateful to have had time this evening to devote to the ones I love and treasure most. Dinner on the patio and a long walk through my favorite city was the best way to kick off the week. Mindful of those throughout the southeast that would love nothing more than a break, a meal with family, and time to relax. Jesus, be near. #Psalm23

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