Today was a CRAZY day! We had the privilege of going to share with our Lower School chapel about Senior Missions Week. I’ve been working on the video for that the past few days. It was really cool to hear some of our seniors share and our Costa Rica praise team lead worship. Right before that I covered morning carline for a friend that is out of town this week. I was standing out there thinking that carline was really the last thing in the world I had time for…but then, the Clingman triplets rode by in their Mom’s van and they all screamed…”Megan”…actually one of them calls me “Negan”…but it was still very cool and made freezing in carline totally worth it!

After Lower School chapel I taught my 9th grade Ethics class. We talked about Moral Relativism and Ethical Absolutism. I love these kids. Most people think that freshman should only be learning about friendship and Noah’s ark and stuff, but this crew really wants to dive in and go deeper. We talked about the 6 arguments for Moral Relativism and how a Christian should be prepared to refute those arguments. They did a great job discussing. I am so blessed to have this crew this year! Since we are on a role, their homework is to write a paper proving that God exists…pretty heady stuff, but they are hanging in there, so we are going to go for it!

Right after Ethics I had to hustle to get to the 8th grade Bible class. This is the 3rd year in a row I have had the hmmm…honor, responsibility, short straw, privilege…of teaching Sex Respect to our 8th grade girls. Sex Respect…what a weird name…but I’m not sure what else to call it. I am joking about the short straw part of it, I look forward to this each year. We take 4 days and I take over the class and talk about God’s perfect plan for marriage and sex…in that order. Today we had a great time talking about why it is so easy to believe the lies that Satan tells us about love and sex. I shared with the girls that I participated in True Love Waits as a high school student and love the accountability that comes with making that commitment with your friends. I met with 3 different classes for 45 minutes each today. Pray for us…tomorrow we go a little deeper 🙂

I managed to sneek away for lunch at Moe’s with 2 of my student aids, Erin and David. I have them at the same time and we have had a great time this year. They are both on Student Government and are super leaders in our student body. I love the time just to talk to them and work on projects together. We were on a mission, we had to buy some supplies for studentLIFE stuff, but Moe’s was right there, so why not??!!

After school I picked up Stephen and he is here to spend the night before the Scheck’s head back to Mt. Juliet tomorrow. They have been here since the weekend working on their house and hanging out. Tonight we have Clint’s first softball game for Freedom Church and I have a paper to write for my apologetics class.

Thank you LORD that I get to do most of this all over again tomorrow! On the craziest days, I realize what a cool job I have and what a privilege it is to invest in the lives of students.