Prayers for Ethiopia

Will you commit a few minutes this week to pray for the orphans in Ethiopia?  There was a lot of information that came out this past weekend indicating that the Ethiopian government is getting ready to slam the brakes on regarding international adoptions.  They are talking about cutting back as much as 90%.  I read somewhere that they normally process 50-60 adoptions per day in Ethiopia and that they are thinking of cutting back to 3-5 adoptions a day.  Our heart is heavy because we realize this means a delay in our son coming to live with us.  Unfortunately, this is a result of greed and corruption that can take place in international adoptions.  Sin has a consequence.  Please take a few minutes this week to pray for the thousands of boys and girls that are in need of loving homes that can provide for their needs.  We know that God will care for them!

James 1:27
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

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