The Strange family kicked off February by joining in the Falcon fever here in Atlanta.  The hometown NFL team hadn’t been to the Super Bowl in 20 years and they were back to take on the New England Patriots.  Unfortunately the Falcons ended up setting a record as the team with the biggest lead to eventually lose the Super Bowl.  But…along the way, we all had lots of fun as new Falcon fans.  We celebrated with Falcon Friday at school and Faculty Sunday at church.  We got a lot of mileage out of our new shirts!
Eli continues to love putting together puzzles.  These last few months we have really seen him become such a curious learner.  He wants to be able to do everything that Emma can do.  If she is writing something down, he is trying to sound out the words.  If she is doing math homework, he is working on counting.  I love that!  He loves playing with his cars and is still a total sports nut.  He can go from football fanatic to baseball superstars in just a matter of seconds.
Emma loves learning and is having a great time with sports too.  Right now she is really interested in both basketball and softball.  We bought her a new softball glove a few weeks ago.  When we got home from the store, she wanted me to grab my glove and throw with her.  When we looked in my softball bag, we realized that I actually have three gloves…one was identical to the one we had just bought her!  She asked me if she could have my glove…so I gladly gave it to her and we took the other one back to the store.  We have had a great time throwing.  Clint still takes the kids to the batting cage on Saturdays when I have school commitments and they are both getting much better with their batting!  I got to go with them one Saturday morning and we had the best time taking turns as a family in the cages!  I pitched softballs to Emma and she was doing a great job hitting them!
Clint and Emma continued their tradition of attending the Father/Daughter dance at NCCS.  They went to dinner at IHOP before the dance and then enjoyed dancing the night away at a 50’s themed sock hop.  This worked perfect with Emma’s newfound appreciation of Elvis!  Eli and I had a date night as well.  We chose to drive up to Darlington to watch the NCCS boys basketball team play in the region tournament.  They won the region championship that night!  On the way home, Eli took me out to eat at Johnny’s Pizza.  He told me that he’d pay next time…I’ll take him up on that!
Winter Break is a new thing for our family…I think this is only the 2nd or 3rd year our school has done it and we love it!  We had Friday, Monday, and Tuesday off of school and the Stranges headed to South Florida to spend some time with our dear friends the Corbetts.  We had a blast!  We love this sweet couple and they have invested so much in our family these last several years.  Clint and I hope to grow up to be just like them! When we arrived in sunny West Palm Beach, we were greeted with a view of Air Force One as it seemed that President Trump had the same idea that we did…head south for some sunshine!  We spent Saturday at the Corbetts enjoying a wonderful lunch, catching up with them, swimming, visiting the beach, and eating out at City Place.  We left our house that morning at 4:30am to make our flight and we definitely maxed out the day!  We went to Family Church with them on Sunday morning and really enjoyed learning more about the ministry of that great church.  We had lunch at the Corbetts and then went to Jupiter Beach for the afternoon.  It was a beautiful day…the beach in February was quite a treat!  On the way to the beach, we stopped at the Loggerhead Marinelife Center and got to see some amazing sea turtles.  Emma and Eli played and played all afternoon at the beach and then we enjoyed a wonderful dinner on the water at the Rustic Inn.  We came back to the Corbetts and made s’mores on the patio and talked until we couldn’t keep our eyes open!  Monday went too fast…we had a great time visiting and hit the pool one last time before heading back to the airport to fly home.  Our hearts were full from this precious time full of laughter and learning so much from our dear friends!  We can’t wait to go back!
The rest of February went quickly and we were grateful to enjoy unseasonably warm temperatures.  Our family spent a lot of time outside…even some dinners with friends on the patio.  I love the South for that primary reason…it’s almost always a good time to be outside!
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