I first bumped into Jim McKenzie several years ago when I went to a conference at The Rock School in Gainesville, Florida. My takeaways from that short time with him were mostly centered on his enthusiasm and passion for the Lord and for investing in students. His book One Generation to the Next: A Guide to Forming Your Faith and Finding Your Way is a great read for parents, educators, and anyone who desires to grow in their faith while leading others to do the same. I highlighted several things while reading and posted those notes below:
- Author Paul David Tripp wrote, “I will either get my identity vertically, from who I am in Christ, or I will shop for it horizontally in situations, experiences, and relationships of my daily life.” Location 472
- C.S. Lewis said, “Being a Christian means forgiving the inexcusable in others because God has forgiven the inexcusable in us.” Location 703
- Following Jesus is about living deeper in and further out. The deeper we go in God, the more our love is perfected and the further out it begins to grow. Location 976
- One such missionary was A.W. Milne who traveled to an island in the South Pacific inhabited by headhunters who had martyred the missionaries who had gone before him. But Milne made his way there and lived among the people for thirty-five years. When he died, the villagers inscribed upon his tombstone: When he came there was no light. When he left there was no darkness. Location 1,156
- Hurt people hurt people. Healthy people heal. Location 1,360
- Many today are eager to lead, but few are eager to learn. God often puts us in someone else’s vineyard so that we can learn from them. Be patient in the process. Be faithful in the waiting. We want to microwave, but God wants us to marinate. To move someone from tough to tender simply takes time. We can’t rush the process. Be faithful as God does his good work in you. Location 1,672
- Sabbath creates the margin. Scripture reveals the mystery. Worship provides the ministry. Prayer unveils the mystical. Church produces the motivation. Location 2,263