Book Review: Expat


I’ve always thought it would be a really cool adventure to live abroad for some period of time.  I love traveling and have the privilege of traveling quite a bit with both my family and my school.   I try to keep another trip on the schedule at all times.  The first book I read of 2014 was Expat!  This book was available for free on Kindle and the title intrigued me enough to pick it up.  It’s a super quick read…only 22 pages.  This book is full of great tips about what to do if you are living in a different country..mostly things you would encounter in the first month.  The tips are things to look for to avoid major cultural blunders  and also things that make it easier to settle in.  I didn’t actually highlight while I was reading this book, but feel confident that I will refer back to it.  This spring I have the privilege of leading a mission team to Haiti and I was glad to learn some things about the proper way to give a gift to someone that hosts you in their home in a foreign country.  There are also tons of helpful tips regarding food and drink as well as business tips that would save a lot of stress down the road.

Overall, a great read and worth picking up if you are planning a trip out of the country anytime soon!

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