Book Review: Popular



A few weeks ago, the mom of one of our middle school girls at NCCS reached out to let us know that Tindell Baldwin would be speaking at a conference in our area in regards to her testimony that she has written about in Popular.  This mom was also sweet enough to give me a copy of Tindell’s book.  I was very curious to learn Tindell’s story as I knew she was the sister of Kristian Stanfill.  Their family is fairly well known in our area as two of her brothers are well-known worship leaders.  Popular talks about the pressures that are brought on by growing up in the midst of expectations that can be difficult to meet.  My favorite part of this book is the amount of Scripture that Tindell used while telling her story…which is ultimately a picture of God’s faithfulness and grace towards her in the midst of her rebellion and sin.  It’s the story that is true of all of us apart from Christ.  This is also a powerful story of redemption as Tindell points directly to the gospel as she finally realized that popular wasn’t a goal that God had for her life.

I would quickly recommend this book to high school and college girls as well as moms.  As the mom of a 6 year old daughter, I learned a good bit about the best way to demonstrate love to my daughter as I know she will be tempted with the same things that Tindell was.  It was a powerful testimony of grace as Tindell shared the way that her parents loved her through this devastating time in their family.

Thank you Tindell for sharing your story and for using your story to point people to Jesus!  I hope that our paths cross soon…I’d love to have you share with our high school girls here at school!


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