June 1
CAMP | Less than 12 hours before we pick up our favorite little guy at @woodlandscamp. I’m so grateful for the guys and girls that have been pouring into our Eli this week and pointing him to Jesus. I can’t wait to give him the biggest hug…I bet he smells awesome. He’s always so great to bring his camp soap and toothpaste home unused “so we can use it again next year Mom.” #7000days The Lord is so gracious and kind! I’m so thankful for Christian camps to help make the most of these days!
June 9
SUMMER FRIDAYS | We love kicking the weekend off early by spending the afternoon on Lake Allatoona. Lots of laughs, splashes, good snacks, people watching, chitchat, and all just 5 minutes from our house. Yet another reason…We LOVE Acworth.
June 10
WELL DONE DEBBIE | Join us this afternoon @NCCSEagles to help us celebrate @debbiebrink123…a dear friend, a treasured colleague, and a true servant of the Lord. Debbie has made a huge impact on our team and generations of families at NCCS in her 20 years on staff. Join us to celebrate God’s faithfulness to our community through Debbie and her sweet family. #GoEagles #WeAreNCCS #NCCSFamily
June 11
LEADERSHIP | Super cool to sneak in the back and watch Eli as the host in @northstar_kids this morning. He’s been one of their hosts this year and it has really helped him grow. There have been some bumps in the road, but @kristywebb99 and @saramai13 have encouraged him and given him a chance to figure things out. It’s so good to do things that push us out of our comfort zones so we can learn more about the gifts and talents God has given us…to be an encouragement to others. I love the way @nsckennesaw has so many ways that our whole family can plug in and serve! #7000days
June 16
YEAR 18 | This week wrapped up year 18 of God’s goodness to me through @NCCSEagles. I guess that makes my time at the school officially a full grown adult The Lord has been so gracious and kind to me in the way that He has put people in my life to challenge me, encourage me, and to point me to Jesus in all things.
Yesterday we celebrated the groundbreaking of Phase 2 of the Upper School building. It was such a joy to visit with alums, donors, faculty, staff, leaders, and other people who have been such a key part of what the Lord has done since 1983 through His school for His glory.
What an appropriate way to wrap up the year and head into a short season of rest…groundbreaking represents that the Lord is doing a new thing. He is stirring and digging things up in my heart and mind at just the right time for me to truly be able to rest, reflect, and be refreshed.
I’m so grateful for this summer sabbatical each year and am most excited about time with my favorite Strange people!
Praying and excited for the year ahead. Grateful for the godly men and women I get to serve with and humbled to think of having Emma in Upper School with me in her 11th year at the school as our Eli starts Middle School in his 8th year at the school. @clintstrange32 and I are so thankful for all who have partnered with us to invest in the hearts and minds of our kids.
To God be the glory, great things He has done. The best days are ahead. Keep your eyes on Jesus.
Go Eagles! Live Sent!
#GoEagles #WeAreNCCS #NCCSFamily #7000days
June 12-17
Emma had her end of the season club volleyball tournament in Orlando and Clint took her to that. They went a couple days early and had some well-deserved fun at Disney. Eli had football camp and I was still in the office, but we used our evenings to study for SCUBA certification and had lots of fun together!
June 17
BECOMING BITNER | Eli and I were so honored to represent the Strange crew at the wedding of James and Nene Bitner this evening in Spring Hill, TN. Clint and Emma were sad to miss, but volleyball in Orlando didn’t make it possible to all be together.
James is an alum of @NCCSEagles (2016), but we’ve been close friends with their family for over 20 years and we love the Bitners! It’s an added bonus that Jim and I get to serve together at NCCS! The ceremony was beautiful and Christ honoring, the evening was perfect, Eli played croquet for the first time…and won, the food was wonderful, we had a blast catching up with friends, and Eli and I both can’t dance!
June 18
HAPPY FATHER’S DAY | Clint Strange is such a treasure to our family. He loves the Lord, loves us, and leads us to serve others from a heart of humility and generosity. He is the captain of fun and the best one to take shopping ( right kids?). He is an adventurer and also content to be at home all together. He always puts others before himself. While making the most of the moment, he also has a keen eye towards planning for the future. We are so grateful the Lord gave us @clintstrange32 to captain our Strange parade! Happy Father’s Day to our favorite Dad! We love you Babe! #7000days
June 20
JESUS REVOLUTION | I’m not much for movies, this may be my second or third movie of 2023 …so I’m just getting around to seeing Jesus Revolution. Wow! So good. I really learned a lot. Asking the Lord to examine my heart in light of some of the things I saw in the movie. I never want my preferences to cause me to miss out on God’s purpose and plan. Really enjoyed learning more about this movement and revival and begging the Lord to do it again!
June 21
CHRISTIAN EDUCATION | I’m so grateful to Dr. David Dockery, President of @southwesternseminary, for a number of reasons…but particularly because he kindly gifted 50 copies of “What Does It Mean To Be a Thoughtful Christian?” to our Upper School faculty @nccseagles. I read this book earlier in the spring and was so impressed at the way he articulated the need to be passionate about developing and promoting the development of biblical worldview.
I reached out to thank him for writing such a helpful book and to ask if he knew where I could buy 50 copies in bulk for my teachers as a gift for the end of the school year. He replied quickly and asked for the address and gifted the books to us! I love his heart for Christian education and for building up fellow believers.
I blogged about the book at the link below. I’d strongly encourage you to pick up a copy and check it out for yourself. If we are going to win people to Christ, we first have to care for them well.
“People are looking for an authentic and integrated way of seeing life that brings coherence to all of life’s experiences-some of which are quite confusing.” Dockery, David, What Does it Mean to be a Thoughtful Christian? p. 74
June 23
29 YEARS | 6/23/94 The Lord radically saved me from a life that was all about me and helped me orient my path and my plans to the truth of the gospel. Following Christ has been both the hardest and most rewarding path I’ve ever pursued and I plan to follow Him all the days of my life until I stand face to face with Him in heaven. To God be the glory, great things He has done! I want my life to count for Christ!