
Let’s Talk About Sex

Last week in our Upper School chapel, I spoke to our students about Sexual Purity.…

Praying for Virginia Tech

Lord, even when we don't understand, we can still trust. You promised you would never…

Number 2 Pencils

This week at school we did achievement testing for all of our students. I love…

Invisible Children

Invisible Children website[youtube=]

Leadership: Cutting the Grass

I really enjoyed the Student Leadership Institute conference this past week at Prestonwood Christian Academy.…

Glory Revealed

I downloaded a great new album off of iTunes tonight called "Glory Revealed". You can…

Student Leadership Institute

I am in Dallas, TX for a couple of days at the Student Leadership Institute…


I took some time today to go through and organize some files on my computer.…

Day at the Lake

I think the day away did me a world of good. I had a blast…


Luke 10:38-42 38As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a…